Sport England's "Affordable Sports Hall" guidance states a requirement for walls to have flat, flush rebound / impact boarding to a height of 2.55m and above that a fine knit fabric to provide a flush area with no visible external cladding or rails.
This has the benefit of being cost effective, preventing small projectiles such as shuttlecocks getting stuck on cladding rails, and providing an aesthetically pleasing finish to the internal walls.
Continental has installed this cladding system at many sports halls including Sport England funded sports halls - the images above include the National Sports Centre at Lilleshall in Shropshire.
We utilise a durably fire retardant Trevira fabric that is sewn into panels. The panels are hung from taut steel cables that we attach using bespoke bracketry to your building. At the sides we require the builder to install timber pattressing onto which the edges of the fabric are attached. At the edge where the fabric meets the rebound panelling we provide coloured timber laths to trap the bottom edge of the fabric in place.
We are able to incoporate cut-outs and holes in the fabric to accomodate services such as alarm points, CCTV cameras and ducting that needs to be serviceable. Wherever there is a protrusion through the fabric we require the item that protrudes to be surrounded by timber so that we can fix the fabric neatly around the protrusion.
Our fabric wall cladding is priced on a bespoke basis to suit your facility so please call to discuss your requirements and for a bespoke quotation.
We offer two standard colours to match the majority of standard sports hall colours - green and blue - and we offer two shades of each colour. In addition we have a wide range of other colours on special order should you require an alternative to match your colour scheme or school / university colours etc. For a full range of colours available please see our Trevira colour chart.
Below the Trevira fabric we recommend a solid impact board. Continental is delighted to offer a solution for this area - our Sports Hall Wall Panelling system - so we can provide a one-stop shop solution to lining your sports hall walls whether you want impact boards, acoustic panels, fabric, or a combination of these solutions.
Emerald green
Wimbledon green
Cobalt blue
Saragossa blue