
Continental is delighted to offer a range of Freestyle equipment to suit your exact requirements - from fixed equipment in a bespoke Freestyle gym, to portable equipment to use in a temporary arrangement in a sports hall, school or youth club, we have a product for you.

We are excited to offer Continental's ModuBlox for FreeG which have been designed for permanent bespoke FreeG gyms.

We are also delighted to partner with Cube Sport of Germany to bring their range of modular Freestyle / Parkour equipment to the UK. Cubes from Cube Sport are ideal for situations where the equipment must be moved to and from storage or in a multi-use environment - or as a supplement to an installation of Continental's ModuBlox

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  1. AirTrickster air tricking floor

    The AirTrickster air tricking floor. Ideal for Parkour, Free-running, Gymnastics, Trampoline Parks, Inflatable Parks

    Price from: £2,042.00
  2. Carbon fibre rod gymnastics tumble track with run-up

    New DesignCarbon fibre rod gymnastics tumble track. Now featuring hi-performance hollow-core rods in a 2m wide track. Price for a full 21 panel (25.6m long) track.

    Price from: £22,176.00
  3. The Flip Machine

    Catch some serious air with the "Flip Machine" - a brand new product from Continental and PE-Redskaber for gymnastics, Parkour and cheerleading. Ideal for Freestyle Gymnastics / Parkour / Tricking training!

    Price from: £550.00
  4. Foam ramp for freestyle gymnastics and parkour covered in urban tarmac effect PVC

    Foam ramp with hi-grip, black tarmac-effect PVC cover for use in Freestyle gymnastics and Parkour

    Price from: £501.00
  5. PitZone Mat

    PitZone mat. Inflatable mat to provide firmer landings in a foam filled dismount pit. Also perfect when used in Freestyle and Parkour as a "tricking floor"

    Price from: £2,694.00
  6. Freestyle gymnastics / parkour safety mat

    Freestyle Gymnastics safety ("crash") mats with Urban look, hi-grip textured PVC covers. Absorbent foam body for landing situations

    Price from: £244.00
  7. Freestyle gymnastics foam block 2000 x 1000 x 600 in urban tarmac black PVC

    Freestyle Gymnastics foam blocks with Urban look, hi-grip tarmac-effect textured PVC covers. Cushioned foam body with a firmer foam top and sides for standing on, landing on and vaulting over

    Price from: £474.00
  8. ModuBlox

    Developed by Continental Sports in conjunction with British Gymnastics, ModuBlox provide an exciting and challenging range of obstacles for Freestyle Gymnastics and Parkour activities

    Price from: £17,000.00
  9. ResiMat

    Super-soft ResiMat landing block. PVC top with UltraMesh sides gives low-air resistance on landing. Incorporates lattice structure foam with air gaps.

    Price from: £1,535.00
  10. Tribond carpet surface matting

    Carpet surface runway mats. Carpet surface on a 30mm foam base. Ideal for gymnastics activities. Can be attached with VELCRO® Fasteners to create exercise areas

    Price from: £580.00
  11. Stump - Small

    "Stump" - the six sided Parkour / Freestyle Gymnastics module. Small version - 0.4m x 0.4m x 0.6m high

    Price from: £1,050.00
  12. Stump - Large

    "Stump" - the six sided Parkour / Freestyle Gymnastics module. Large version - 1m x 1m x 0.6m

    Price from: £2,482.00

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