Trampolining > Trampolines

Trampoline - Dryland diving model

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DiveTramp - Trampoline designed specifically for dryland diving training. Designed to replicate the rebound characteristics of a diving springboard.

Price from: £4,886.00
Price from: £4,886.00

Full Description

Developed in conjunction with British DivingWe are delighted to have developed this new trampoline specifically for dryland dive training with British Diving.

British Diving set us a challenge to design a trampoline that replicates the long, slow, wallowing rebound of a diving springboard rather than the faster rebound of a standard trampoline. The result of this collaborative process is our new DiveTramp.

Until now dryland diving practice on trampolines has meant a compromise in that the rebound rate has been much faster than "real diving" - or it has led some clubs to undertake potentially dangerous methods such as removing some springs from a standard trampoline (with inherent risks to divers and worrying liability issues). But now with our new dryland diving trampoline the dryland experience is much closer to "real diving" on a trampoline designed for the purpose.

What is different about the DiveTramp?

The DiveTramp is based on a standard competition size trampoline but the frame incorporates "RaiserRails" to lift the bed 200mm higher than a standard trampoline. This helps allow for the softer deeper deflection of the bed at the bottom of the bounce.

To slow the rebound down and to provide the wallowing slow rebound required to replicate a diving springboard, we utilise an innovative "Double Bungee" spring system that we developed through testing various alternatives with British Diving coaches. This system uses two types of bungee cord woven into each other to provide this specific performance. As one of the cords reaches its elastic limit, the other takes over to provide additional deflection of the bed and to slow down the rebound. The bungee system comes with built-in slack so the exact rebound characteristics can be user-adjsuted to suit divers of differing weights or abilities.

The bed is first and foremost blue in colour to highlight it as a DiveTramp bed. It is a 13mm woven web bed and the material has been specified to provide the rebound performance required by British Diving.


  • Frame size: 5.2m x 3.05m x 1.35m (200mm higher than normal).
  • Folded size: 3.05m x 2.2m x 1.0m (200mm wider than normal - will require manouvering through a single door if that is the only access).
  • Bed size: 4.28m x 2.14m

Height of trampoline when on stands:

  • fixed height stands - 2,200mm
  • Safelift stands (high position) - 2,225mm, Safelift stands (low position) - 1,995mm

The trampoline is supplied on fixed height roller stands but if you are setting up and putting away the trampoline regularly, you may want to consider purchasing SafeLift roller stands to make that process easier.